Change the Words

Chris Farmer RSS / 20.01.2009. u 09:04

"Change has come to America." That's what the man said. And we said we were ok with change. And we voted him in.

And now, we have formalized our decision by swearing him in as the forty-fourth president of the US. We got our change we think. But he has not changed much yet - except the words.

The words are important. The words of the past administration had been words about fear, security, and about threats - everywhere there were threats. The words made us feel safe at first. We thought that someone else was worried about our safety.

But then we wanted change from these words. Those words made us act out of worry. They divided us. They sullied the reputation of the country abroad.

Many peoples have hated the US since 1945. Before that time, we pretty much stayed home and minded our own business. In the Great War, we flew over and fought beside our allies. But we came home again with more friends than enemies. After the second world war, we started sticking our noses into others' business. We drew borders. We created countries. We used Big Words like Freedom and Democracy while we imposed the freedom to think like we did on everyone who came along. Tough words. Fighting words.

The French hated us from the beginning.

But all that will be different now. Obama uses new words. He uses consensus. He says responsibility. The others used these words too. But they were just talking. Now we really mean it. That makes all the difference.

We change the words and words change us. The words we need now are solutions, discipline, cooperation, hope. Hope is a big one. We will try out these new words for awhile. See how they fit. We will be less afraid and more determined. We will worry less about security and more about human rights. We will not meddle or intercede, but we will support and assist.

Change has not come to America, Mr. President. But maybe we will begin to see that change is the only constant. Permanence cannot adhere to a changing world. Nothing is the same as yesterday. And tomorrow it will have changed again. America has come to change.

Let's start with the words and see where it gets us.


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Tibor Jóna Tibor Jóna 09:49 20.01.2009


yeah, i see why you should change.
you only saved europe twice!

emphasize on the world only.

and that marshal plan?!? what a cheeky business recovering European economy just like that!

oh and the fact that Europe would have been overrun by the reds by, like, 1956 had there not be for the US war machine....damn you...

and to be speculative - we can just imagine the world "run" by the likes of French. But then, maybe we dont have to - we`ve seen the mess, blood and poverty they have left in their former colonies. Not to mention the Germans, Italians, Belgians or some such "on strike every other wednesday" country.

Norwegians and Dutch... Now thats another story! Sometimes i think the world should be run by countries like New Zealand, US and Norway. For real! No bulls economy with superb design and great electronic music.

i think US politics will go on a dead end street if it , for a reason or another, it gets the idea that its important to be loved by French. And the likes of those.

As for Obama. The guy is a muppet. He will be as much of a dissapointment for the liberals, as Dubya was for the conservatives, me included.
Chris Farmer Chris Farmer 10:17 20.01.2009

Re: hate

“In time we hate that which we often fear.”
- Shakespeare

Hate is another powerful word; quite resistent to change.
Virtuelni Vasilije Virtuelni Vasilije 10:20 20.01.2009

Re: hate

Tibor Jóna
and to be speculative - we can just imagine the world "run" by the likes of French. But then, maybe we dont have to - we`ve seen the mess, blood and poverty they have left in their former colonies.

Who are those "we"? Do you ("we" ) prefer order, freedom, richness ... left in Vietnam and Iraq?

@Chris: very nice text ...
Tibor Jóna Tibor Jóna 10:27 20.01.2009

Re: hate

Virtuelni Vasilije
Tibor Jóna
and to be speculative - we can just imagine the world "run" by the likes of French. But then, maybe we dont have to - we`ve seen the mess, blood and poverty they have left in their former colonies.

Who are those "we"? Do you ("we" ) prefer order, freedom, richness ... left in Vietnam and Iraq?

we the people.
Virtuelni Vasilije Virtuelni Vasilije 10:35 20.01.2009

Re: hate

Tibor Jóna

we the people.

you mean: "we the SKOJ-people"?
Tibor Jóna Tibor Jóna 10:37 20.01.2009

Re: hate

Virtuelni Vasilije
Tibor Jóna

we the people.

you mean: "we the SKOJ-people"?

for example - all of us really gratefull to US for the fact we are now free people and not Nazi halfslaves or Communist grunts.
Virtuelni Vasilije Virtuelni Vasilije 10:45 20.01.2009

Re: hate

for example - all of us really gratefull to US for the fact we are now free people and not Nazi halfslaves or Communist grunts.

grateful to US ... and hateful to France/French?
Tibor Jóna Tibor Jóna 11:03 20.01.2009

Re: hate

Virtuelni Vasilije
for example - all of us really gratefull to US for the fact we are now free people and not Nazi halfslaves or Communist grunts.

grateful to US ... and hateful to France/French?

dont mix grandmothers and frogs - v.draskovic
Virtuelni Vasilije Virtuelni Vasilije 11:08 20.01.2009

Re: hate

we can just imagine the world "run" by the likes of French... we`ve seen the mess, blood and poverty they have left in their former colonies. - t. jóna
Tibor Jóna Tibor Jóna 11:17 20.01.2009

Re: hate

Virtuelni Vasilije
we can just imagine the world "run" by the likes of French... we`ve seen the mess, blood and poverty they have left in their former colonies. - t. jóna

and whats wrong there?
Virtuelni Vasilije Virtuelni Vasilije 11:47 20.01.2009

Re: hate

and whats wrong there?

because word "French" could be replaced with "USA" and "former colonies" with "Vietnam, Iraq" and we get another true statement which suggests opposite stance from yours.

In other words, there is no reason to be grateful to USA more than to France ... nor say one is good and another bad ... world can not/should not be "run" by any particular country/nation ...
Tibor Jóna Tibor Jóna 12:30 20.01.2009

Re: hate

Virtuelni Vasilije
and whats wrong there?

because word "French" could be replaced with "USA" and "former colonies" with "Vietnam, Iraq" and we get another true statement which suggests opposite stance from yours.

In other words, there is no reason to be grateful to USA more than to France ... nor say one is good and another bad ... world can not/should not be "run" by any particular country/nation ...

vietnam was a former french colony. no need to replace the words.

US ended up there for the same reason it ended up in Europe in 1941. Because France and other european countries were unable to fix their problems. Have the US been as succesfull in Vietnam as they were in Europe im sure Vietnamese people would have a much better quality of life then they have now.

Blade Runner Blade Runner 16:36 20.01.2009

Re: hate

better quality of life

The quality of life that all the people in US have? You have wrong idea what "quality of life" means. That’s why you can compare Norway and US. Your distant idea about what “good life” is simplification of today’s world. US are overspending, nature killing nation that uses one quarter of world resources to provide high "quality of life" for 50-60% of their population.
I hope that words are not the only thing that would change.
dusanj92 dusanj92 19:44 20.01.2009

Re: hate

because word "French" could be replaced with "USA" and "former colonies" with "Vietnam, Iraq" and we get another true statement which suggests opposite stance from yours.

How about replacing words Vietnam and Iraq with words "colonies South Korea, Japan, West Germany ..."
... and than compare it with words "colonies North Korea, East Germany, Cuba ...."

For over one hour I have a new president with the middle name Husein and I still don't feel The Change and The Hope is leaving me. I live in the Midwest town and Central Time Zone there may be some time delay.

Domazet Domazet 20:11 20.01.2009



For over one hour I have a new president with the middle name Husein and I still don't feel The Change and The Hope is leaving me. I live in the Midwest town and Central Time Zone there may be some time delay.
...some of the more pessimistic among us would say that you are just beyond hope. But I, inspired with President's speech today, refuse to do so. For the time being...
dusanj92 dusanj92 20:25 20.01.2009

Re: Now...

you are just beyond hope

This all you have to say on my question on replacing words? And I'm the one beyond the hope ... hmm..
Domazet Domazet 21:05 20.01.2009


I didn't notice any question marks!? And yes, that was all I had to say. On a nice day like this I didn't want to muse on how it is possible that someone living in USofA with middle name Milutin can be such a xenophobic arse. That would bring a bit longer text. Also I didn't want to contemplate the fact that sorry nationalistic right wingers like you and mladjahni Mr Jona can't stand Liberals even more than you can't stand each other. That would bring even longer text. And I definitely didn't want to reflect on how the narrow minded, ideologically blinded people constantly misinterpret their narrow-mindedness for sharp sarcasms. That really gets me started, that would be a really long text. But not today...
dusanj92 dusanj92 21:33 20.01.2009

Re: Question?

I didn't notice any question marks!?

As a guy who plays/works with words, you should be able to recognize the word "How" as a beginning of the question.
Domazet Domazet 22:41 20.01.2009

I might...

I didn't notice any question marks!?

As a guy who plays/works with words, you should be able to recognize the word "How" as a beginning of the question.
...if I were Vietnamese or Iraqi. But I'm not.
bauer. bauer. 07:04 21.01.2009

Re: Now...

...some of the more pessimistic among us would say that you are just beyond hope. But I, inspired with President's speech today, refuse to do so. For the time being...

On a nice day like this I didn't want to muse on how it is possible that someone living in USofA with middle name Milutin can be such a xenophobic arse.

Domi, i didn't think I'll live long enough, to stand up for your opinions That's got to be the change everybody is talking about
Domazet Domazet 21:36 21.01.2009

Well, I sure put a lots of hope in our new

...some of the more pessimistic among us would say that you are just beyond hope. But I, inspired with President's speech today, refuse to do so. For the time being...

On a nice day like this I didn't want to muse on how it is possible that someone living in USofA with middle name Milutin can be such a xenophobic arse.

Domi, i didn't think I'll live long enough, to stand up for your opinions That's got to be the change everybody is talking about
…but I would not go so far to consider him supernatural. So I would not attribute your change to him. With or without Obama, I’m sure that you would not notice this change in you if I was commenting only the guano that our mladjahni hortijevac is leaving behind himself. Not Obama but my particular target brought that change in you. And it is not my fault that you had to wait for so long. I am not responsible for the fact that the klipans are so unevenly distributed here. This actually brings me to a bit tangential line of pondering. Behind such an uneven distribution must be, and this is the law of Nature, some kind of gradient, some direction, some purpose. And I have to wonder what kind of purpose serves this gathering of particular type of klipans at this particular virtual community. More so because it seems that I was wrong when I thought that one of the purposes of this place was actually quite the opposite, when I thought that the purpose of this site was the Deklipanization of Serbia. Any thoughts on that. Or the Change did not progress enough just yet?
bauer. bauer. 07:18 22.01.2009

Re: Well, I sure put a lots of hope in our new

…but I would not go so far to consider him supernatural.

me neither.

So I would not attribute your change to him.

I was not talking about my change, but yours

Anyway, to cut the long story short, I was also surprised to see that (some) Serbian liberals identify themselves with American conservatives. We learn something new every day. I am only glad that there is one small point, that most of us can agree upon... give man the chance.
Domazet Domazet 07:46 22.01.2009

Re: Well, I sure put a lots of hope in our new

I was not talking about my change, but yours

I know. Evidently you were wrong and I corrected you.
I was also surprised to see that (some) Serbian liberals identify themselves with American conservatives.
Whom exactly do you have in mind? I hope not Amad and Mladjahni Mr. Jona? You are insulting them if you regard them as Serbs. And you are offending me if you consider them liberal...
bauer. bauer. 08:26 22.01.2009

Re: Well, I sure put a lots of hope in our new

Whom exactly do you have in mind? I hope not Amad and Mladjahni Mr. Jona? You are insulting them if you regard them as Serbs. And you are offending me if you consider them liberal...

You are making it to complicated, again. Yes, I was talking about Mr. Jona, and I didn't call him a Serb, but a Serbian liberal. I don't think that he minds the difference, though. I was just surprised by some of his points of view. However, It is all about the change and the hope... remember

And you are offending me if you consider them liberal...

What makes you a liberal, BTW ? Other than, you are from Chicago, a liberal stronghold now days
dierre dierre 16:53 22.01.2009

Re: hate

Chris Farmer

Words, words, words...

Domazet Domazet 16:57 22.01.2009

I knew that you are error prone...

Whom exactly do you have in mind? I hope not Amad and Mladjahni Mr. Jona? You are insulting them if you regard them as Serbs. And you are offending me if you consider them liberal...

You are making it to complicated, again. Yes, I was talking about Mr. Jona, and I didn't call him a Serb, but a Serbian liberal. I don't think that he minds the difference, though. I was just surprised by some of his points of view. However, It is all about the change and the hope... remember

And you are offending me if you consider them liberal...

What makes you a liberal, BTW ? Other than, you are from Chicago, a liberal stronghold now days

…but this much!? Well, I’ll let young Mr Jona to discuss with you your attempt to associate him, staunch and proud Hungarian Catholic with anything Raci or liberal.
I find your question about what makes me a Liberal far more entertaining. What do you know on my positions on any of the liberal issues? On (let’s start with USofA ones) abortion, on social solidarity, on immigration, on religion, on evolution, on progressive taxation, on education, on (to continue with European ones) status of minorities, regulation of the economy, welfare state, on (to continue with the global ones) environment protection, global worming, third world countries…Nothing. You know nothing and you give a dry ….The only thing that you care about is that I (most likely) openly laughed at you or (almost certainly) some of your ‘liberal’ buddies because of your belief that the affinity towards Urban Outfitters and aversion (better, repulsion) towards anybody that does not share your embarrassment with the nation that you belong to (only if you are Serb, of course) makes you the Other and Better. And since I did that, and I did that numerous times, I have to be a conservative nationalist…

Btw, did you know that the Buddha considered both the addiction and repulsion to be the Tanha. The mere mirror images of the very same cause of the Duk(kh?)a…

Chris Farmer Chris Farmer 17:46 22.01.2009

Re: hate


Words, words, words...


Milutin Milošević Milutin Milošević 10:18 20.01.2009


Lep u motivišući tekst. Kako za Amerikance, tako i za nas koji smo i sa strane onih koji su voleli Ameriku i sa strane onih koji to nisu.

Nadam se da ćete održati...
noboole noboole 14:54 20.01.2009


Godwin's law someone!!!! Why every blog in past few days has to deteriorate in Nazi/Vietnam/Commies polemics!

I hope Obama picks the muck left by predecessors and establish decent relationships even with alien cultures. Some kind of we're partners in common good things, and rivals in, i don't know, cheese industry.
Jelena Pavlović Jelena Pavlović 16:12 20.01.2009

Re: Enouuuuuughh!

Godwin's law someone!!!! Why every blog in past few days has to deteriorate in Nazi/Vietnam/Commies polemics!I hope Obama picks the muck left by predecessors and establish decent relationships even with alien cultures. Some kind of we're partners in common good things, and rivals in, i don't know, cheese industry.

Obama should obstruct the war machine that is the only engine for the sole industry that works regardless of the global economy crisis. Of course, I only have a dream...
Sofroniye Sofroniye 15:15 20.01.2009


Words are cheap. That belief that words change yadda yadda yadda is typical anglo-saxon attitude and famous English diplomacy. I know that western civilization praises ability to debate but there comes a point when it is not sufficient. This recession is much much bigger problem than people are anticipating and I do not think USA will get out of it without a new war but the time will tell. And just as a side note, democrats have tendency to build better relationship with Muslim countries and I am suspecting they will deteriorate their relationship with Russia and China even further. However Russians are selling weapons to Muslim countries left and right :) and it brings them double pleasure: they will slowly hit one of the four pillars of American economy (maybe to a small extent only but still...) and they will improve their relationship with other Muslim countries (not only Iran) even further. We are entering the fight for Asia (either purely economic or military - this remains to be seen) and the years ahead will be very interesting. The talk will not help here. However we reached a point where everybody wants just to talk and enjoy the fruits of the developed civlization. I guess there were some Romans who ate grape and drank wine and debated all day long while Odoacar was knocking at their doors wanting to say a thing or two. Maybe not quite eloquent as Cicero or Petronius but his mace/sword/whatever was quite persuasive argument

As for Obama he is a puppet. The only thing that remains to be seen is which role he is supposed to play.

zlatnasredina zlatnasredina 16:33 20.01.2009


I see so much hope in world today...but as other divine creatures, Obama shows almost nothig to confirm our belives
Sofroniye Sofroniye 17:15 20.01.2009

Re: yet...

and so the disappointment will be bigger. Athough I will admit one thing, it is a big day for USA.
Domazet Domazet 19:04 20.01.2009

The French hated us from the beginning.

How about

The French helped us at the beginning.

instead. The text would be even nicer...
jednatanja jednatanja 19:09 20.01.2009


on your new President!
brananl brananl 16:12 21.01.2009

Action matter not words

It is a great day for USA - first black president, democrat, etc. Congratulations on the success.
But to say that his words will change something is a bit vague.
For us in Europe, (believe me both west and east) visiting USA always brings bitter feeling of how words means nothing to USA people - from greet in every shop :"How are you doing today?" to amount of imitation of happiness and excitement when one sees you "how awesome". All those words mean little - you know it, we know it. Does this mean if one changes them to something similar that there is an actual change?

I liked when Obama said in his speech yesterday, that he plans to improve science by developing green energy. In western Europe we work on these developments pretty hard. Lets see some actions.

To say everybody loves USA today and hated it yesterday during Bush is simplification also.
Every country has its political geo-strategic interests. The interests don't change - only manners to reach them change. On the other hand manners matter - so it could be that the profile of people liking or hating will change.

And Obama is one man, his cabinet is not full of fresh people. Crisis didn't begin during Bush but before him. He seems didn't do good job fixing it. Obama now has full hands of work to be done. Words won't change anything. Lets see him in action.

Hopefully not another bombing of Serbs as refreshing democrats in action. But taking in account Klinton women, I fear ...



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