2019-03-30 08:27:23

Између орања и клања

tasadebeli RSS / 30.03.2019. u 09:27

Или: О народу сељака, песника, приповедача,... И ратника. Онда када се мора.


Лепа је мала варош Топола:
Сто кућа, пошта,
хотел и школа.
Дом здравља, пекара,
суд, три дућана
и око пет-шест
малих кафана.
Биоскоп и киоск
крај вашаришта,
црква на Опленцу
и више ништа...


2019-03-12 14:20:26


angie01 RSS / 12.03.2019. u 15:20



2019-03-04 13:13:26


antioksidant RSS / 04.03.2019. u 14:13

I'm the trouble starter

2019-02-18 23:41:35


freehand RSS / 19.02.2019. u 00:41

Proces kulturnog genocida najvećim delom  je završen momentom izbora Tomislava Nikolića za prdesednika Srbije. 

Finalni čin obavljen je izborom Aleksandra Vučića za njegovog naslednika, a sahrana Šabana Šaulića u Aleji zaslužnih građana  biće samo razmeđa između tragedije i farse, onad dva oblika istorijskih epoha koje se kod nas stalno smenjuju jednom u dva veka ostavljajući nekoliko decenija za normalan život i prosperitet. 


2019-01-29 17:37:59

Duško sa zlatnim M

Jelica Greganović RSS / 29.01.2019. u 18:37



Negde krajem prošlog veka, intenzivno sam živela u Ljubljani. U rasejanju. Ono je uticalo na moju emotivnu stabilnost, na neobjašnjive sklonosti prema svemu što bi moglo da podseća na maticu, iako se tada u istoj nije dešavalo ništa što čovek ne bi trebalo da bez žaljenja propusti. Ono malo kao i ja rasejanih, sa kojima sam se družila, patilo je od iste boljke. Zbog toga smo delili zalogaje prošvercovanog ajvara kao prosforu, pravili večere od svega što je »od kuće« uspelo da prodje pored fitopatoloških, graničnih radnika, prenosili jedni drugima pakete, pozdrave, poslednje aktuelne porodične vesti, i naravno jedva čekali da se iz domovine pojavi neko koga bi mogli da ugostimo, da mu pomognemo i posle sat vremena druženja utvrdimo da smo rod rodjeni.

2019-01-27 12:19:55

Kultura sećanja: Da li znaš (za Goli otok)?

Srđan Fuchs RSS / 27.01.2019. u 13:19

 Мом деда Бори, свим недужно и невино страдалим Југословенима и Југословенкама у терору Броз-Ранковић режима 1948-1952., и свим свесним људима


 Upravi Državne Bezbednosti

sp br. 1123 

za generala J. Kapičića

10. decembar 1950.

Poštovani druže generale,

Izveštavam vas o veoma uspešnoj poseti "Mermeru" od strane Juraja Špilera, Nemca, folksdojčera koji je tokom Drugog svetskog rata radio na hapšenju, ispitivanju i likvidaciji pripadnika pokreta otpora i komunista. Nedavno je osuđen na smrt ali mu je ukazom predsednika Tita kazna zamenjena doživotnom robijom. Došao je sa ciljem da islednicima sa Golog otoka prenese svoje metode i znanja iz oblasti iznuđivanja priznanja. 

2019-01-20 15:49:24

Kultura sećanja: Novosadska Racija

Srđan Fuchs RSS / 20.01.2019. u 16:49




Wiki, Novi Sad raid: On 20 January, Novi Sad was completely surrounded and placed on curfew. Its telephone and telegraph lines were cut. The city was divided into multiple areas of responsibility, with a different officer tasked with organizing the round-ups in each. Placards sprang up on buildings, warning citizens against going outdoors, except to buy food. Feketehalmy-Czeydner summoned the local authorities and announced that the Royal Hungary Army would "take charge and clean things up" over the next three days. The raid began the following day. Between 6,000 and 7,000 people that were considered "suspicious" were arrested and taken to have their papers examined. Others were detained on account that they had no papers. Most were released, but at least 40 were taken to the banks of the Danube and shot.

"The massacre was conducted systematically," the historian Leni Yahil writes, "street by street." Many of the soldiers were visibly intoxicated. Survivor accounts, delivered after the war, attest to the brutality of the killings. A woman recalled how, on 23 April, a soldier entered her apartment, demanding to know her family's religious affiliation. The woman told him that she and her family were Orthodox Christians. Infuriated, the soldier called her a "stinking Serb" and killed her five sons. Thousands of men, women and children were imprisoned and interrogated at the Sokolski Dom, one of the city's main cultural centres. Many died during their interrogation.

Temperatures reached −29 °C (−20 °F). Victims were brought to an area known as the Štrand, along the Danube, and shot with machine guns. Their killers then broke up the frozen river's ice sheets with artillery fire and tossed the bodies into the water. According to another account, the victims were forced to tread the ice sheets, which were then shattered by shelling from the shore, causing them to fall into the freezing water and drown. The killings only ceased after four days, when the city's Lord Lieutenant, László Deák, bypassed the curfew and alerted the authorities in Budapest. He returned with orders that the massacre was to come to an immediate halt. Feketehalmy-Czeydner ordered that all executions be stopped by 9:00 p.m. Deák's mother was among the victims. "The randomness and senselessness of the operation were evident especially by the fact that it hit not one single functionary of the Yugoslav Communist Party," the historian Krisztián Ungváry writes.



2018-12-28 20:16:14

Upokojio se Amos Oz

Srđan Fuchs RSS / 28.12.2018. u 21:16

Strašan, veliki, nesaglediv i bespovratan gubitak za Mirovni Izrailj.



2018-12-25 22:55:03

Двадцать семь лет тому назад

apostata RSS / 25.12.2018. u 23:55

Taj dan .., odnosno pravilnije je reći to veče, ma u stvari može da stoji i taj dan, šta ima veze .., e pa taj dan je jedini vremenski interval moga života koji sam u pedesetak teza bacio na papir.
Inače pamćenje imam krajnje selektivno, ali to što prođe te nekakve moje prioritetne filtere pamtim i dugo i u širokim zahvatima, takođe odlično pamtim i detalje, kao i periferiju događanja.
No zato npr. napamet znam samo tri telefonska broja.

Iako je tema bloga jedno veče/dan, u priču su se ubacile i druge stvari - detalji o ruti kojoj smo išli, događaji koji su vezani za određena mjesta, kratke i duže priče o ljudima koji su posredno ili neposredno vezani za temu i vjerovatno još po nešto.
Tako da sve u svemu pisanje se, kao što to obično i biva, otelo kontroli i otišlo u stranu od prvobitne namjere.
No šta je tu je -bujrum.

2018-12-05 17:16:42

Dozvolite mi da citiram sebe

zilikaka RSS / 05.12.2018. u 18:16





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