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Што се случи петок вечерта во Шведска?

njanja_de.manccini RSS / 20.02.2017. u 18:41

Секој ден имам чувство дека е крај на светот каков што го знам. Секој ден мислам дека будалава ќе стисне тоа дугмето и ќе не спржи сите ко гирици. Еднаш неделно претседателот на универзитетот ни праќа мејл да ни каже, не се секирајте ние ве штитиме никој не ви може ништо, не ги даваме податоците од нашите професори и студенти кои се тука на работни и студентски визи. Ве чуваме, тука сме за вас. Џабе, јас пак се нервирам. 

Секогаш кога така се чувстувам бегам на твитер. Никогаш не ме изневерил.


Последната глупост од петок е дека имало некаков терористички напад во Шведска. Библиотекарката која тој ден била задолжена за @sweden твитер налог им објасни на луѓето дека нема никаков терористички напад во Шведска. Знаев дека швеѓаниве имаат добар смисол за хумор ама не знаев дека се толку добри.  


Пренесено од овој линк - http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/Vn17J/in-english-this-happened-in-sweden-friday-night-mr-president


  • 3:24 PM (local time): A man set himself on fire at Sergels torg, a plaza in central Stockholm. He was taken to the hospital with severe burns. There is so far no information on his motives but the intelligence service is not part of the investigation.

  • 6:42 PM: The famous singer Owe Thörnqvist had some technical problems during rehearsal for the singing competition ”Melodifestivalen”. (However, the 87 year old singer still managed to secure the victory the very next day.)

  • 8:23 PM: A man died in hospital, after an accident in the workplace earlier that day in the city of Borås.

  • 8:46 PM: Due to harsh weather in the northern parts of Sweden the road E10 was closed between Katterjåkk and Riksgränsen. Due to strong winds and snow in the region the Met office also issued an avalanche warning.

  • 12:17 AM: Police officers initiated a chase for a fleeing Peugeot through central parts of the Swedish capital of Stockholm. The pursuit ended in police officers ramming the suspect at Engelbrektsgatan. The driver is now accused of driving under the influence, traffic violation and car theft.


  • 11:23 AM: Ok, let’s not be fake news, this story took place in the autumn, but was reported Friday before lunch and we thought you would like it. A wooden moose got the attention of a lovesick moose bull. It all happened in 79 year old Ove Lindqvist’s garden in Byske outside Skellefteå, northern Sweden. ”I thought it was going to start a fight, instead it humped the wooden moose thrice”, he said.



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mariopan mariopan 09:21 23.02.2017


Prošle godine u oktobru sam bila u Švedskoj desetak dana, kao gost, i bila sam iznenađena nekim komentarima o strancima, a izrekli su ih moji domaćini, takođe stranci, naše gore list, koji su u tu zemlju došli davno, pre trideset, čertdeset ili pedeset godina. Kako ko.

Sebe ne smatraju strancima. Kažu da su oni tu zemlju gradili, poseduju imanja, stanove ili kuće, podigli su tu zemlju da bi sada ona postala meka za svu sirotinju sveta, jer im socijalni sistem Švedske to omogućava.

Kada ulazimo u supermarket skreću mi pažnju na obojene kupce, zabrađene i pokrivene žene, svakoga ko odskače odećom ili izgledom od Šveđana.

I to sve kažu na čistom srpskom jeziku.

Na aerodromu carinik ( policajka) govori srspki, u supermarketu kasirka govori srspki, posada u avionu govori srpski, skoro svi putnici su govorili srspki.......

Šta o tome misle Šveđani nisam uspela da saznam.
bene_geserit bene_geserit 09:50 23.02.2017

Re: ...

Ne znam za svedjane specificno, ali u vecini evropskih zemalja misle sledece:

Sto naravno ne smeta politicarima u tim istim zemljama da rade suprotno od toga.
tasadebeli tasadebeli 10:10 23.02.2017


Милитантни лево усмерени хуманисти?

Ја се извињавам, знам и сам да не умем да размишљам, али овде ме заиста много тога збуњује...

Одакле одједаред толики број странаца, углавном муслимана, и у "Шведске", а и другде по доброј старој курви Јевропи?

Како је то "одједном, спонтано и ничим изазвано" дошло до тога?

И ко сада ту најпре има права да затвара границе, а ко мора да их отвара?

Ко се то улитао док се просеравао, па сад брише своју буљу Европом?

Ништа ту мени није јасно...

njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 15:31 23.02.2017

Obamin govor u Chicagu, Januar 10, 2017

pogledajte njegov govor a ako vas mrzi da gledate sve procitajte bar ovaj deo:


For white Americans, it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn't suddenly vanish in the '60s; that when minority groups voice discontent, they're not just engaging in reverse racism or practicing political correctness; when they wage peaceful protest, they're not demanding special treatment, but the equal treatment that our founders promised.

For native-born Americans, it means reminding ourselves that the stereotypes about immigrants today were said, almost word for word, about the Irish, and Italians, and Poles, who it was said were going to destroy the fundamental character of America. And as it turned out, America wasn't weakened by the presence of these newcomers; these newcomers embraced this nation's creed, and this nation was strengthened.
bene_geserit bene_geserit 06:43 24.02.2017

Re: Obamin govor u Chicagu, Januar 10, 2017

Community organizer i social justice warrior ostaje to i posto provede izvesno vreme na celu najmocnije drzave na svetu.

Nego interesantno kako se terminologija menja - prvo su bili "illegal aliens" pa su nekako postali "illegal immigrants", pa zatim "undocumented immigrants", pa na kraju samo "immigrants".
Zao mi je ali oni koji ilegalno udju u neku zemlju ili prekorace vizu su kriminalci i kao takvi treba da se tretiraju kao sto zakon i nalaze. Tacka.
njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 16:32 24.02.2017

Re: Obamin govor u Chicagu, Januar 10, 2017

gospodine, urazumi se. pricamo o imigrantima. onim koji imaju pravo da budu ovde jer ili imaju validnu vizu ili imaju zelenu kartu. takodje ubrajam i decu zasticenu putem DACA

Preko 500,000 ljudi su bili pogodjeni onom suludom i skroz protivustavnom odlukom napisanu zbrda zdola jer Mr prezident Bannon ne zna ustav.

bene_geserit bene_geserit 06:06 25.02.2017

Re: Obamin govor u Chicagu, Januar 10, 2017

Pa odluka 8-og district suda bi do sada vec bila overruled od strane vrhovnog suda (kao i preko 80% njihovih odluka koje dodju do vrhovnog suda, posto su grupa ludih komunista) da je Tramp vec odradio postavljanje 9-tog sudije. Ovako cemo morati malo da sacekamo (postavljanje 9-tog sudije i novi EO jako slican starom najverovatnije).

Inace executive-order je bio u skladu sa predsednickim ustavnim ingerencijama (i bio je gotovo identican Obaminom EO od pre neku godinu koji je vazio samo za Irak).
Ovoj fenomenalnoj odluci je ipak nesto falilo - to sto Avganistan, Saudijska Arabija i Egipat nisu istom obuhvaceni. Nadam se da ce to da ispravi sledeci put.
njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 19:34 25.02.2017

Re: Obamin govor u Chicagu, Januar 10, 2017

Inace executive-order je bio u skladu sa predsednickim ustavnim ingerencijama (i bio je gotovo identican Obaminom EO od pre neku godinu koji je vazio samo za Irak).

njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 23:54 23.02.2017

Support for Students Who Are Trans*

Support for Students Who Are Trans* and Gender Non-Conforming Members of Our Community

Dear Members of the [---] Community:

The Trump administration yesterday rescinded Obama administration protections for trans* students. The Obama administration guidance provided that schools should allow trans* students to participate in activities and access facilities, including bathrooms, consistent with their gender identity. I want to reassure members of our community, especially those who are trans* and gender non-conforming, that our support for them remains strong and that Northwestern does not plan to change our current procedures or practices as a result of this recent action.

In light of this action by the Trump administration, I would like to reaffirm what our President has said on numerous occasions: [---] is committed to being a welcoming and inclusive community for all, and that will not change. Members of our LGBTQIA+ community play important roles throughout [---], and their contributions help make this institution a better place. Supporting our trans* and gender non-conforming students – and faculty and staff – is an important goal for the University, and one we work hard to achieve.

This is a time of great uncertainty in our country. The impacts of the recent executive orders are being felt in a number of important areas, and additional policy changes undoubtedly will occur. While some may prefer that our university and other universities not engage in these societal issues, members of our community are being affected, so we believe it is important to do so. We will, of course, continue to focus on our key missions of teaching and research. At the same time, we will continue to support all members of our community.

Vice President for Student Affairs
bene_geserit bene_geserit 06:38 24.02.2017

Re: Support for Students Who Are Trans*

To je krajnje ozbiljan i vazan issue.
Jako je za drustvo znacajno da transeksualac od 2 metra i 120 kila koji se tog dana "oseca kao zensko" moze da ode u isti WC kao necija 10-godisnja cerka.
njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 16:19 24.02.2017

Re: Support for Students Who Are Trans*

ta populacija je ugrozena ako nisi znao, a ne obratno.

Domazet Domazet 18:27 24.02.2017

Ne daj se uzbudjivati Njanja...

ta populacija je ugrozena ako nisi znao, a ne obratno.


...vidis da je BiDzej sav pretrnuo od straha da ga ne umlati neki nezaposleni trans dvometras od 120 kila pa jadan zbog toga ne sme da ode da cuje sta pametno ima da nam kaze Majlo...

Sa klipanima kojima je 'community organizer' uvreda nema sta da se diskutuje. Zahebancija je jedini vid komunikacije koji oni zasluzuju.
njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 20:43 24.02.2017

Re: Ne daj se uzbudjivati Njanja...

samo da dodam da sam prenela poruku jer je taj dan prezident bannon potpisao odluku da ukine prava trans deci. zar je toliko tesko da obezbedimo svet gde ce svako dete da se oseca bezbedno u svojoj kozi? ili cemo da ih lecimo lopatama?

evo i poruka koju smo dobili odmah posle izbora jer nije bas specijalno namenjena LGBTQ vec svima. neka vidi covek kako se to radi u normalnoj sredini. I da dodam, nije moja skola jedina, vec samo jedna od stotinu skola koje su poslale slicne poruke svojim zaposlenima.

Dear faculty colleagues,

We wake up this morning to a changed world, a world in which many of us and our students will feel despair, confusion and surprise, for we live, in [---], in one of the most profoundly “blue” counties. We wake to a world in which the order of political expertise, Big Data, and journalistic reportage is largely destabilized. But this is not the moment to be speechless; it is the moment to teach. I want to urge everyone to reflect on our scholarly capacity for analysis, thoughtfulness and inquiry, and help our students, many of whom voted for the first time, many of whom have never known a Republican president, much less a Republican Congress and a Republican president, to understand and to have confidence in the basic concept of American democracy. Tonight, from 5:30 to 7:30, the Faculty Senate and Associated Student Government are co-sponsoring a Community Dialogue, which had been intended to focus on issues of race and class divisions in our classrooms and now, of course, will seek to allow a time for our academic community to speak together about the election. You are the leaders of thought, the shapers of language, and the people our students look to to understand the meaning of events such as this. This is an American moment, a time when we need your scholarship and your leadership more than ever. I wish you all the best in your classes today, and I hope to see you tonight.
bene_geserit bene_geserit 06:23 25.02.2017

Re: Ne daj se uzbudjivati Njanja...

We wake to a world in which the order of political expertise, Big Data, and journalistic reportage is largely destabilized.

Na zalost danasnji koledzi, umesto da se bave obrazovanjem dece, se bave politickom indokrinacijom. A posto su prepuni hipika i komunjara, jadnoj deci su potrebne godine zivota u realnom svetu da shvate kakvim su im glupostima punili glave.

Svi nivoi skolstva, finansirani iz budzeta makar delom, ne bi smeli da se bave bilo kakvim politicarenjem. Pare iz kojih se finansiraju placaju i ljudi konzervativnih i liberalnih uverenja. To sto liberali dominiraju medju nastavnim kadrom im ne daje za pravo da pare poreskih obaveznika trose na propagiranje svoje ideologije.

Pazi ove dramaticne poruke kada je na izborima pobedila opcija koja im se ne svidja. Da pogadjam, kada je Obama dobio prethodne izbore nije bilo nikakvih "safe house-a" za konzervativne studente, nije im dozvoljeno da odloze ispite i testove jer su potreseni, niti su organizovala posela gde se ridalo jedno drugom na ramenu.

Jedini lek za tragicno politizovano visoko obrazovanje u USA je da koledzi (koje pohadja student koji je dobio kredit) postanu obavezni garantori studentskih kredita umesto drzave.
Pa bi ocas posla nestali diversity koordinatori, race studies, gender studies, minority kvote i ostale budalastine.
njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 19:37 25.02.2017

Re: Ne daj se uzbudjivati Njanja...

Na zalost danasnji koledzi, umesto da se bave obrazovanjem dece, se bave politickom indokrinacijom. A posto su prepuni hipika i komunjara, jadnoj deci su potrebne godine zivota u realnom svetu da shvate kakvim su im glupostima punili glave.

Danasnji koledzi su prepuni naucnika koji veruju u naucne cinjenice tako da i nije cudo sto ima vise demokrata po visoko skolskim institucijama jer su, kao sto vec svi znamo, repubikanci posvadjani sa cinjenicama.

Pazi ove dramaticne poruke kada je na izborima pobedila opcija koja im se ne svidja. Da pogadjam, kada je Obama dobio prethodne izbore nije bilo nikakvih "safe house-a" za konzervativne studente, nije im dozvoljeno da odloze ispite i testove jer su potreseni, niti su organizovala posela gde se ridalo jedno drugom na ramenu.

Izvini ali kad je Obama pobedio nikome nija zagorzio egzistenciju osim rasistima koji su se uprpali sto im je crnac president. Tako da svo ovo tvoje mlacenje prazne slame nema nikakve logike.

Pa bi ocas posla nestali diversity koordinatori, race studies, gender studies, minority kvote i ostale budalastine.

Ako ti nije jasno da ovo sto si napisao podrazumeva oduzimanje prava svih ugrozenih manjina onda ja stvarno vise nemam sto da pricam sa tobom. Tebi je budalastina cak i gender studies. Zadrti balkanac. Fuj.
49 41 49 41 14:45 24.02.2017

Kud plovi ovaj brod ?

njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 16:24 24.02.2017

Re: Kud plovi ovaj brod ?

49 41

49 41 49 41 16:42 24.02.2017

Alibaba i 40 (citaj G20) HAJDUKA


Odrzao mnogima lekciju.
njanja_de.manccini njanja_de.manccini 19:48 25.02.2017

odo ja na put - kljuc

bilo mi je zadovoljstvo da citam o vasim strahovima koji su "srecom" izbegnuti jer Hillary nije pobedila. Drago mi je da ste srecni.


Things Trump knows best

This post has been updated with a couple more examples that have come to our attention.

"I understand the tax laws better than almost anyone, which is why I'm the one who can truly fix them," Donald Trump claimed Monday in Colorado.

It is one of many issues on which Trump is one of the world's foremost experts, according to Trump. In fact, you might say he's the best at being a self-proclaimed expert.

Below is a list of the many things about which Trump says he knows more than just about anybody. Even for a guy who's fond of hyperbole, it's a lot to take in.

1) Renewables

"I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." — April 2016

2) Social media

"I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" — November 2015

3) Debt

"Nobody knows more about debt. I'm like the king. I love debt." — May 2016

4) Taxes, again

"I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world. Nobody knows more about taxes." — May 2016

"Nobody knows more about taxes than I do -- and income than I do.” -- May 2016

5) Banking

"Nobody knows banking better than I do" — February 2016

6) Wall Street bankers

MATT LAUER: You're a guy who said you know the Wall Street bankers better than anyone.

TRUMP: Better than anyone.

— April 2016 on NBC's "Today" show

7) Money

"I understand money better than anybody. I understand it far better than Hillary, and I'm way up on the economy when it comes to questions on the economy." — June 2016

8) The U.S. system of government

"I think nobody knows the system better than I do." — August 2016

"I am a person that used to be establishment when I'd give them hundreds of thousands of dollars. But when I decided to run, I became very anti-establishment, because I understand the system than anybody else." — July 2016

"Nobody knows the system better than I do." — April 2016

9) Campaign contributions

"I used to be, George, the fair-haired boy — you know, when I was a contributor. I know more about contributions than anybody." — November 2015

10) Politicians

"Nobody knows politicians better than Donald Trump." — February 2016 rally

11) Sen. Cory Booker

If Cory Booker is the future of the Democratic Party, they have no future! I know more about Cory than he knows about himself.

(We're putting this on the list assuming that nobody ELSE knows more about Booker than Booker, which would make Trump the world's foremost non-Cory Booker expert on Cory Booker.)

12) Trade

"Nobody knows more about trade than me." — March 2016

13) Jobs

I hope all workers demand that their @Teamsters reps endorse Donald J. Trump. Nobody knows jobs like I do! Don’t let them sell you out!

14) Infrastructure

"Nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." — July 2016

15) The military

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." — June 2015 Fox News interview

16) ISIS

"I know more about ISIS [the Islamic State militant group] than the generals do. Believe me." — November 2015

17) Defense — and offense

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"So a general gets on, sent obviously by Obama, and he said, 'Mr. Trump doesn't understand. He knows nothing about defense.' I know more about offense and defense than they will ever understand, believe me. Believe me. Than they will ever understand. Than they will ever understand." — July 2016

18) The 'horror of nuclear'

"There is nobody who understands the horror of nuclear more than me." -- June 2016

19) The visa system

"Because nobody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. Nobody knows it better than me." -- March 2016

